Yushan (玉山) 3952+, Taiwan – Tatajia and Alishan Scenic Areas
The Alishan and Tatajia scenic areas are already a feast for the eyes. But for those who want even something greater, then these are just the stepping stones to the most coveted, Jade Mountain!

Yushan/ Jade Mountain (3,952+)
Yushan National Park, Central Taiwan
Major Jumpoff: Paiyun Visitor Center, No. 151 Taiping Lane, Sinyi Township, Nantou County, Taiwan
LLA: 23°28′12″N 120°57′26.16″E , 3952+MASL
Days required / Hours to summit: 2 days / 8-12 hours
Specs: Major Climb
There it was, the most coveted summit stone marker of Mt. Jade sitting on top of a concrete pedestal.
Looking down, the trail of two grueling hours laid in front of me, much of the view from all sides were fascinating. It was like standing on top of the world and all the ridges are still smeared in milky white ice caps.

But before this awesome experience, let us take you to how we got to Tataka and Alishan scenic areas, the DIY way. Let’s go!
Part I (第一部分, Dì Yībùfèn)
Taoyuan to Chiayi
From the Taoyuan Airport we transferred to another bus that goes to the THSR Taoyuan Station (台灣高鐵, Taiwan High Speed Rail). Buses arrived exactly on time and the ride took almost half an hour and cost us 30NTD.
Upon arrival at the drop-off station the complex resembled more of a shopping mall than a train station, the glass panes soaring three stories high. Then we immediately bought tickets and paid 920NTD for a ride from Taoyuan City to Chiayi City in the south.
The train arrived exactly on time, 09:31am, each and everyone along the platform waited patiently for the other passengers to alight before going in. We were welcomed by a very spacious coach with comfortable seats.
Arriving in Chiayi City, we then waited for the bus that goes to the Chiayi Rapid Bus Transit Terminal. The transit buses are free of charge since it is also included in the THSR fare. Before going to Alishan, we still had to to look for Crampons, a shoe accessory for snow climbing required by the National Park.

We took a taxi to Sunrise Outdoor Emporium and found one that costs 480NTD a pair. With all things settled, we headed off to the Chiayi Train Station where the Alishan Bus bound buses are located. (please take note that taxis in Taiwan has a flag-down rates that starts at 100NTD, not sure with those in Taipei.)

From the Train Station, we hopped on Bus #7322 bound for Alishan Scenic Area. Moreover, we paid 240NTD for the almost a hundred kilometer trip that took us three (3) hours. (Tip: beware of fixers, only pay inside the bus)
Alishan Scenic Area
The bus made a stop halfway to the destination with the driver asking us to go out into a bamboo covered forest called as the Mihu Trail. Little did we know that it leads down to restrooms, canteens, and did I just said that there were a couple of Cherry Blossoms in full bloom around?
Around 02:00 in the afternoon, we arrived at Alishan Bus Station and had a late lunch in the convenience store. Later on, we found out that there was a landslide along the Rd. 18 that connects Alishan to Sun Moon Lake. Bus trips are now cancelled.

Luckily, the staff at the convenience store offered to take us to Dongpu Lodge, for a steeper price of 1500NTD! It was 700NTD higher than the bus ticket but it was the only choice since taxis do not frequent the area. All aboard our private BMW ride.
Dongpu Lodge
After another round of scenic views along Road 18, with a bunch of Formosan Macaques littering the highway. We arrived in Shangdongbu, Shuili Township and was dropped off directly at the Dongpu Lodge at around 2600MASL elevation by 03:15 in the afternoon.

We paid 300NTD for a night’s stay at the lodge. In addition, the temperature’s about to get colder by the minute – a warm bed and a hot bowl of soup would be the first thing you’ll be needing, and that is where the lodge comes in.
After settling in, the friendly couple assigned us beds and also showed us where the kitchen and toilets (W.C. or Water Closets as they prefer) were located.
Tatajia Recreation Area
Then the next thing we did was explore around the Tataka or Tatajia Recreation Area. The area is already located at a very high elevation, almost as high as the Babadak Ranger Station of Mt. Pulag in Benguet, Philippines. In fact, the mountain ranges and deep plunging valleys are one of the sights this place already has for us to see.
As planned, we were about to register at the Paiyun Visitor Center and the Police Squad for the climb the following day. But as it turns out, we missed the said places and ended up at the Tatajia Visitor Center.

It was closed that time, but the building is quite spacious and free trail maps for hikers. Just in front of the main entrance is a viewing binocular that points to the snow covered summit of Jade Mountain. Indeed it was covered in white streaks that made us more excited for the ascent tomorrow!

Before returning to Dongpu Lodge, we waited for the sunset, and it did not fail to show-off.
Upon returning at the Dongpu Lodge, about a dozen of people arrived. Some of them were bird watchers while the others planned to summit some of the mountains around, five of them were going to Jade Mountain just like us.
The dinner costs 150NTD for small servings of meat, vegetables and a bowl of porridge. Good thing we bought some food from the convenience store. A nice hot bath did the trick and was followed by an early lights-off by 09:00 in the evening. Under a warm bedding, just after a long transit from Taoyuan City. We decided to call it a night.
Power on!
Coming Up! Yushan (玉山) 3952+, Taiwan – The Jade Mountain Ascent
Things to Remember When in Paiyun Lodge – The Yushan Experience
Yushan (玉山) 3952+, Taiwan – The Jade Mountain Ascent
Yushan (玉山) 3952+, Taiwan – The Jade Mountain Descent
Yushan (玉山) 3952+, Taiwan – Tatajia and Alishan Scenic Areas
The Jade Mountain Experience – Dongpu Lodge
Yushan DIY Travel Guide 2018 | Itinerary, Budget, and Tips