Black Magic Maria – Siquijor’s Our Lady of Divine Providence Church

Reading Time: 5 minutes

Siquijor’s Black Magic Maria looks even scarier in person. In fact, that icy stare and her blackl robes still creeps me until now. 

The Land of Faith Healing: strange as it seems, travelling to the island of Siquijor will raise eyebrows once mentioned because of its reputation for the black arts. Even the older generations still practices and believes in witchcraft and sorcery; although at present time it is still practiced in a less prevalent scale.

Let Transit Pinas take you on a journey of unveiling what hides behind the peculiar stories and legends surrounding the mystic island of Siquijor. And why you should start packing your bags and discover for yourself what awaits inside the church walls of Maria, Siquijor.

There’s Nothing Extraordinary? 

A gazebo that serves as candle lighting area welcomed us when we arrived in the church grounds of the Our Lady of the Divine Providence Church. Located in Maria, Siquijor, this is the last church we visited and unlike any other church this is, this is a controversial one.

Siquijor is one spooky place riddled with unexplored caves, eerie looking churches and tales of witches and black magic. But if you are looking for something that justifies this urban legend, then visiting this church is a must.

From the outside it is made up of limestone rocks because of its dark minimalist design. An octagonal bell structure is adjoined to the church. There are no saints on niches nor intricate carvings on the facade.

Then this is where the creepiness starts. The newly constructed portico that does seem to match the church exteriors. The main door itself is a wooden ten commandments tablets. Curtains of thick black yarns extends from the top of the door down to the ground.

The interiors of the church is also somber and plain looking. Going inside, it was rather massive. Less might be more for this church. The white washed walls are slowly being colored green and black by lichens thriving on its surfaces.

Blank Icy Stare and Goosebumps

Then what is really interesting and a hair-raiser is the statue that is encased in glass at the left portion of the church.

She was dressed like the Virgin Mary. But her robe is dyed in black and embellished with gems and glittering sequins. Black Magic Maria, as called by many, clutches a skull in her right hand and an inverted cross on the left.

But as of writing, the one I saw in Siquijor holds it in an upright position. She’s said to be a a night walker, urban legends says, that the petite religious icon suddenly disappears from its glass cabinet. This happens during dusk and appears back before dawn.

Why a night walker? Her feet and robe is always covered in mud and grass in the morning.

I don’t know how possible it is, but upon seeing her, the blank icy stare and the somber pale looking face suddenly sent chills down my spine. I saw her almost piercing gaze as if looking right through your soul.

This is one of the many firsts where I got spooked by a lifeless statue. I have this unexplained fear with dolls and clowns.

But amidst these stories, the statue is a depiction of St. Rita of Cascia. She is an Italian Saint that is the patroness of hardships and impossible causes, abuse victims, against loneliness, sterility and many more relating to the life she led when she was alive.

More of her story here: Black Magic Mary – The Myth

We headed back to our tricycle and prepared ourselves for the exciting cliff jump in Salagdoong Beach!

How To Get There
  • This is part of the Siquijor Tricycle Day Tour hosted by Kuya Raul Gom-os (09355965465)
    • Siquijor Circumferential Road, Maria, Siquijor
    • Entrance Fee: None
    • Tricycle Tour: 1000php Standard Rate/Day Tour

Demystifying Isla del Fuego: From Black Magic Maria, love potions, Voodoo Dolls, broomstick rides, century old churches and convent, up to the stunning waterfalls and beaches. Let Transit Pinas take you on a day trip across SIQUIJOR as he uncovers the brighter side beyond the esoteric and peculiar charm of the province. Follow this adventure series into the Land of Faith Healing, as I ventured into my 56th province last September 09, 2018.  Umari kamo niing matahum nga dapit!

Demystifying Isla del Fuego – Siquijor 2018 Series 


Siquijor Travel Guide
Entering the Land of Faith Healing – Siquijor, Siquijor
Towering Palms and Creamy White Sands – Paliton Beach
Hauntingly Beautiful – Lazi’s Century Old Balete Tree
From Broomsticks to Eerie Convent Halls – Lazi Church and Convent
Tarzan Swings and Enchanting Cascades – Cambugahay Falls
Taking A Leap of Faith – Salagdoong Beach, Siquijor
Black Magic Maria – Siquijor’s Our Lady of Divine Providence Church
Roadside Foodcrawl – Lilibeth’s Pan Bisaya
Sunset Over The Mystic Island – Siquijor Boulevard

Have you been into the province of Siquijor? How was it? Share it in the comments section below!

Black Magic Maria – Siquijor’s Our Lady of Divine Providence Church
Updated September 23, 2018